Soul Searchers – We The People

One the all time great funky albums of the 70s – a mad little record with a sense of rhythm and timing that was years ahead of its time! The Soul Searchers (along with Chuck Brown) later became known for their heavy-hitting Go Go work at the end of the decade – but here, they’re a really free-thinking outfit with a lot of jazz in their funk – and a willingness to change up the beats and timings in ways that push the record miles ahead from an average funk outing. Tracks swirl around with an amazing intensity – supported by guitar work from Brown, organ from Hilton Felton, and some really great horns from Don Tillery and Lloyd Pinchback. The album features a wonderful remake of “Think” – plus the great originals “1993″, “Soul To The People”, “Blowout”, and “We The People”.


Cacique 97

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Lisboa sempre foi um palco do encontro de várias culturas, em grande parte devido ao seu passado como capital de um império colonial em África e na América Latina.

Hoje em dia é um caldeirão de criatividade que atrai artistas de todo o Mundo e é um espaço privilegiado onde músicos se encontram, partilham ideias e misturam ritmos. É desta mistura que, em 2005, nasce o colectivo afrobeat Cacique..97.

Com músicos de origem moçambicana e portuguesa, este colectivo engloba elementos de grupos como os Cool Hipnoise, Philharmonic Weed e The Most Wanted, projectos bem conhecidos nas áreas do funk, reggae e do som afro.

A paixão pela música de Fela Kuti e Tony Allen uniu estes músicos para a concretização de um objectivo comum: criar um colectivo que espelhasse a mestiçagem lisboeta, através do cruzamento do ritmo caracteristicamente nigeriano que é o afrobeat, com a tradição musical dos países lusófonos, sempre tão presente na capital portuguesa.

Os Cacique..97 pretendem dar origem a uma banda sonora global dos novos tempos sem perder o lado reivindicativo e de promoção da consciência social característica do afrobeat.


Lisbon has always been a stage for the meeting of several cultures, mostly due to the past of the city as the capital of a colonial empire in Africa and Latin America.

Nowadays it is a huge pot of creativity which attracts artists from all over the World and it is a privileged space where musicians find each other, share ideas and mix rhythms. It is from this mixture that, in 2005, afro beat collective Cacique..97 is born. With musicians with Mozambican and Portuguese origins, this collective incorporates members from groups such as Cool Hipnoise, Philharmonic Weed and The Most Wanted, well known projects in the areas of funk, reggae and the afro sound.

The passion for the music of Fela Kuti and Tony Allen has united these musicians for the pursuance of a common goal: to create a collective that mirrored the Lisbon mixture, by crossing the characteristic urban Nigerian rhythm which is afro beat, with the musical tradition of the African Portuguese speaking countries and of Brazil, whom has always been very present in the Portuguese capital.

Cacique..97 intend to give birth to a global soundtrack of the new times without losing the activist approach and the promotion of social awareness so fond to afro beat.

Esta banda é portuguesa, portanto o SBA recomenda que compres o álbum.
This band is portuguese, so LBM recomends that you buy the album. 

Megafone - Megafone I II III IV

João Aguardela, o compositor, letrista e vocalista dos Sitiados, é, também, o reinventor da música tradicional, onde as origens se fundem com a sonoridade electrónica criando um conceito universal, que diz muito à nossa identidade cultural, às nossas raízes e que é quase que uma fonte inesgotável. Este é um dos seus projectos. Megafone.

Os álbuns encontram-se para download gratuito no site
De qualquer forma estão aqui os links

Megafone I - Download Gratuito/Free
Megafone II - Download Gratuito/Free
Megafone III - Download Gratuito/Free
Megafone IV - Download Gratuito/Free

Afro-Beat Airways West African Shock Waves Ghana & Togo 1972-1978

Afro-Beat Airways
West African Shock Waves Ghana & Togo 1972-1978 

Amazing new compilation of 70's African music from the ever-excelllent Analog Africa camp!

Organ-driven Afro-beat, cosmic Afro-funk and raw, psychedelic boogie… just some of the flavours to be found on this highly danceable compilation by Samy Ben Redjeb, founder of Analog Africa.

To document these 14 irresistible tracks and the music scene from the’70s, Samy crisscrossed the lengths of Ghana and Togo in search of the producers and artists – or their relatives. In the process he recorded a dozen interviews, scanned 90 pictures and transferred 120 master tapes.

All the evidence can be seen in the 44-page full colour booklet accompanying these 73 minutes of heavy West African sounds. Afro-Beat Airways showcases an amazing diversity of local rhythms spiced with Afro-American funk, soul and jazz.
